Indian Centre for Plastics in the Environment
ICPE - All India School Contest - 2023
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About ICPE
The Genesis
The Indian Centre for Plastics in the Environment (ICPE) set up on the recommendation of a Task Force constituted by The Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF), is a body registered under Society Act on January 27, 1999. It is a nodal agency recognized by the Government of India to handle all issues related to Plastics and Environment in the country.
Our Charter
To help sustain an environment-friendly image of plastics by highlighting the positive role of plastics in conserving resources and its 100 % recyclability.
Our Objectives
To encourage, promote and support upgradations of the plastic waste management and plastic industry technologically and environmentally.
To project Indian Plastic industry as environmentally conscious, socially responsible in all its acts, be it manufacturing, marketing or recycling of plastic waste.
To inform, create awareness among the public at large on the importance of the right way of disposing plastic waste, the need for stopping the habit of littering and to impress on them that life without plastic is unimaginable and therefore we should act responsibly in the disposal of used plastics.
To work closely with the Central, State and local administration in plastic waste management on behalf of the plastic industry in matters of legislation, creating infrastructure and facilitating in keeping the environment clean.
Develop and encourage standards/ specifications / guidelines for plastic waste / recyclates for applications in various products.
Sponsor/ undertake R & D work in the area of plastics in general, and plastics waste management in particular.
Develop and encourage codification system for assisting recycling in critical and non-critical applications.
Collect, collate, publish and disseminate statistical data and technical information on Plastic waste industry / Plastic Industry.
Circulate information relating to Plastics Waste Industry / Plastics Industry for the benefit of manufacturers, consumers, and regulatory bodies.
Establish/maintain contacts/liaison and exchange information with similar bodies globally in the field of Environmental Issues and strategies in respect of Plastics Waste Management / Plastic Industry.
Our Resources / Capital
Founding Members
The Founder members of ICPE are The Chemicals and Petrochemical Manufacturers Association (CPMA), an apex body representing the Chemicals & Petrochemical producers and Plastindia Foundation (PIF), the apex body of major Associations, Organisations and Institutions connected with Plastics with common objectives to promote the development of Plastics Industries.
The Chemicals and Petroleum Manufacturers Association (CPMA)
Established in 1993 CPMA represents the INR 50,000 crores ( USD 10 bn) worth Indian Petrochemical industry. It plays a central role, providing real-time linkages between the industry, the Government, and the society. It interacts with the policy makers and industry associations to develop and maintain harmonious and conducive business conditions.
Plastindia Foundation (PIF)
Plastindia Foundation is an apex body of the Indian Plastics industry, formed by major national Associations, Institutions and Organization connected with plastics, with the common objectives to promote the development of the Plastic Industry and to assist the growth of plastics and related material and their products
ICPE Governance - The Constitution:-
The policy framework and working of the ICPE are guided by the Governing Council and an Executive Committee. The Governing Council comprises 15 members drawn from CPMA, PIF, MOEF, Department of Chemicals and Petrochemicals (DCPC), National Council for Applied Economic Research (NCAER), National Chemical Laboratories (NCL) Indian Institute of Packaging (IIP), University Department of Chemical Technology (UDCT), and a Product Packer/End user.
The 12 member- Executive Committee has representations from CPMA, PIF, Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), Central Institute of Plastics Engineering Technology (CIPET) and Waste Management Experts.
Sources of Fund
The activities of ICPE are fully funded by the Plastic Industry both in terms of Seed Capital and Sustaining Funds. ICPE is registered under Societies Registration Act, and any donations to ICPE are 100% exempted from Income Tax Under Section 35AC. (Click Here to view Latest Gazetted Notification on 35AC)
Key Industry Partners
All major manufacturers of chemicals, petrochemicals (plastic resin and raw materials), plastic processors and manufacturers of processing machinery, plastic recyclers are our industry partners.
From CPMA :
Chemplast Sanmar Limited
DCM Shriram Consolidated Limited
Finolex Industries Limited
Gas Authorities of India Limited
Haldia Petrochemicals Limited
India Glycol Limited
Indian Petrochemicals Corporation Limited
LG Polymer (India) Private Limited
National Organic Chemicals Industries Limited
Reliance Industries Limited
Supreme Petrochem Limited.
From Plastindia Foundation :
Central Institute of Plastics Engineering & Technology, Chennai
Gujarat State Plastics Manufacturers' Association, Ahmedabad
Indian Plastics Institute, Mumbai
Indian Plastics Federation, Calcutta
Organization of Plastics Processors of India, Mumbai
The All India Plastics Manufacturers' Association, Mumbai
The Plastics Export Promotion Council, Mumbai
For further information, please visit our Website: or
Or Contact:
ICPE, Mumbai.
Tel: 022-2261 7137 / 2261 7165 / 2261 7168,
Email : ,
ICPE Programmes & Activities
Technical Programs
The ICPE charter lays great emphasis on technical programs :
# To support
# Provide monitor & provide social, environmental & technological inputs in respect of the Plastic industry.
# Develop and encourage standards / specifications / guidelines for plastic waste / recyclates for applications in various products.
# Sponsor / undertake R & D work in the area of plastics in general & plastics waste management in particular.
# Develop and encourage codification system for assisting recycling in critical and non-critical applications
# Collect, collate, publish and disseminate statistical data and technical information on Plastic waste
To meet these objectives, ICPE has already launched or is in the process of launching and is committed to various technical programs & activities.
() R & D Programs :
ICPE has already sponsored research & development programs at UDCT, Mumbai for converting polyethylene carry bag waste into synthetic lumber and wax. The research program at the micro lab level has been completed satisfactorily. ICPE intends to continue sponsorship of similar programs with leading R & D institutions and laboratories the country.
() Standards & Specification
ICPE has been instrumental in developing the packaging guidelines and also the BIS Recycling Standards(IS 14534 / 14535) in the country. ICPE is also represented on the Bureau of Indian Standards - Plastic Sectional Committee (PCD - 12). The institution will continue various initiatives in developing and packaging standards & specifications in the country in line with international developments.
() Technical Training & Workshop
ICPE has already conducted and will continue to conduct at regular intervals technical training workshops in the area of plastic materials & processing, plastics recycling, and plastic waste management. These workshops are designed for industry members (plastic processors, recyclers), end users, nodal agencies and the general public to bring about enhanced knowledge/skills in the respective fields.
() Technical Publications :
ICE publishes from time-to-time technical & scientific presentation materials, booklets and other publications to bring about comprehensive technical awareness in the area of plastics & environment. These publications are used both for education and mass communication and mass communication programs.
() Pilot Projects :
Compactor for crushing & bailing of waste plastic bottles, glasses & cups in an area like railway stations. One of such compactor has been successfully designed, installed and operated at church gate, Mumbai.
Pilot incineration Project is proposed for one of the metros in co-operation with local authorities.
Plastic waste will be utilized to construct long life superior test roads under the auspices of a central nodal agency (this is based on a know-how developed by the local entrepreneur).
A mini recycling project for multiplayer films/laminates/ ouches/sachets is planned along with one of the leading industrial research institute in Delhi.
Upgradation of tiny/small recycling units.
() Life Cycle Analysis :
ICPE commissions leading institutions to carry out Life Cycle Analysis(LCA) for various materials. Two such studies have been commissioned with IIT Delhi in the area of flexible packaging v/s. traditional packaging material.
ICPE reaching out to community
Communication, PR & Promotional
ICPE brings out a publication that helps remove apprehensions regarding any environmental negatives of plastics. These are published in English, Hindi and some major regional languages.
ICPE organizes Press conferences in major cities to disseminate information on positive environmental attributes of plastics for the benefit of consumers, bureaucrats, municipal authorities and NGO's.
ICPE promotes lectures, seminars in collaboration with CIPET & other related institutes.
ICPE supports, sponsors and participates in international and National seminars in collaboration with other agencies. It also participates in plastic exhibitions held from time to time in different parts of the country.
ICPE has engaged the expert services of leading communication consultants Burson Marsteller Roger Pereira (BMRP) for management of its complete PR & communication programmes and media campaigns.
Regulatory and Liaison
ICPE liaises with regulatory agencies for resolving issues related to plastics and environment. It encourages the industry to conform to the guidelines issued by the regulatory agencies from time to time.
News Letter
ICPE publishes "Eco Echoes" - a quarterly newsletter and circulates it widely for the benefit of the manufacturers, consumers and regulatory authorities concerned with plastics and plastic waste in India.On-line ICPE News Bulletin (monthly) has been launched.
The website of ICPE is, desined as an interactive site, it aims to disseminate information on all aspects of plastics and plastic waste including the latest news concerning plastic. The ICPE websites, like various associations, institutes, organisations connected with plastics.
ICPE & Government
ICPE has been set up under the aegis of Ministry of Environment & Forest (MOEF), Government of India. In its day-to-day functioning as also long term & strategic planning and activities, the Centre has to interface with various Ministries/Government agencies/ departments covering regulatory and related issues. The primary interface is with the Ministry of Environment & Forest(MOEF) - both at the central & state level, Central Pollution Control Board(CPCB) & various State Pollution Control boards(SPCBs), the parent Ministry of Chemical & Fertilizers - Department of chemical & Petrochemicals(DCPC) & Bureau of Indian Standards(BIS) under Ministry of Industry. In the area of Waste Management, ICPE undertakes pilot projects in consultation with local self-government Bodies and civic Authorities on regular basis. Besides these, need-based interface take place with the Ministry of commerce, Department of Science @ Industrial Research(DSIR), Ministry of Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs and various other agencies.
Support to ICPE
Admission & Qualification for MembershipCentreis open to all the plastic raw material manufacturers, processors, reprocessors, Packers, end-users, R & D institutions, Trade & Professional Associations connected with development & Promotion of plastic waste
The membership of the industry/plastic industry, Chambers of Commerce and Industries.
There are Four classes of members(Other than Founder Members)
I. Institutional Members
II. Honorary Members
III. Patron Members
IV. Sustaining Members
I. Institutional members: As decided by the Governing Council, any association, organization, institution incorporated under any law or regulation for the time being in force and interested directly or indirectly in serving the wider means/aspects of the sectors of the plastic industry and related products and having.
Member provided that such association, organization, an Institutional[#] Widespread membership i.e. [not confined to a particular region] shall be eligible to become
[#] All India character and constitutions; and institution is domiciled in India.
member of the Centre distinguished individual persons who may have rendered special, outstanding, or meritorious services in the country in general II. Honorary members: The Governing and/or Plastic industry in particular.council shall have the power to enroll as Honorary
III. Patron members: Any person/undertaking incorporated or otherwise, connected directly or indirectly with the plastics and or related material industries shall be eligible to apply as the Patron Member of the Centre.
IV. Sustaining members: Any desired person for membership mentioned in para3 shall be eligible to apply as the sustaining member of the Centre.
Fees for Membership
a] Any applicant, who desires to be a sustaining, Patron and Institutional member of this center shall pay in advance a sum of Rs. 5000[Rupees Five Thousand only] as admission/entrance fees and on approval of membership the same shall form the corpus fund of the center.
b] The annual fees of the various categories of members shall be as follows and shall be paid within three months from the starting of each accounting year. The initial yearly fees will be paid along with the membership application
a] Founder Members - Nil
b] Institutional Members - Rs. 25000 per year
c] Honorary Members - Nil
d] Patron Members - Rs. 5000 per year
e] Sustaining Members - Rs 2500 per year
Procedure for Membership
A desiring member shall apply to the center for the membership on the prescribed form to the governing council, together with the amount of admission/entrance fees and annual fees either by cheque or cash as fixed by the center. On receipt of the completed application form, the governing council at their earliest would consider the same. The governing council shall not be bound to assign reasons for rejecting an application for membership and its decision shall be final and conclusive.
Honorary Members
The Governing Council may nominate an individual as an honorary member of the center in consideration of the distinguished service rendered by him in the interest of the trade Commerce and Industry of the Country. An Honorary member shall not be obliged to pay the subscription/admission fees but shall be entitled to all privileges of a member. The duration of membership shall be for a period of 3 years. Honorary members will not be required to file an application form as required herein.
Disqualification of a Member
A member shall, ipso facto, cease to be a member and his name shall be removed from the Register of members in the following cases :
a] In case of an individual, upon his death or in case of a firm, corporation, trade association, Chamber of Commerce, co-operative society or commercial institution, upon its dissolution or winding up: or
b] If an individual is expelled, adjudicated an insolvent or becomes of unsound mind, or if a firm, corporation, or co-operative society is expelled or adjudicated insolvent or liquidated: or if a Trade Association, Chamber of Commerce or Commercial Institution is disqualified from membership by any resolution of governing Council: or
c] if he fails or they fail to pay the annual fee for membership within first three months of the official year or within any extended period sanctioned by the Governing Council.
Privileges of Members
A member of this center shall be entitled
a] To obtained publications of the center on the terms fixed by the Executive committee.
b] To the use of the library/research and testing facilities of the center on the terms fixed by the Executive committee.
c] To be elected as President or member of Governing Council or Chairman of Executive Committee as defined later on; however patron members and sustaining members shall not be entitled to this.