About Conference

Envisaging life without plastics in modern industrial world is certainly not possible. Public acceptance due to its versatile properties made possible for its long-term growth. Plastics would continue to remain the material of future, not the plastics waste. Though plastics save Green House Gas emissions and thus mitigate the degree of climate change, un-disposed plastics waste in land and water front certainly create ecological issues.
Plastics are 100% recyclable or its latent energy can be recoverable adding value to the resource management. Recycling is not merely heating & shearing for making of granules for manufacturing low value products. New technologies upgrade the waste to value added resource. A robust waste management plan and system in the ground level improves the possibility of adding higher value to the waste inputs attracting entrepreneurial attention towards investment to this sector.
National and International Experts in the field will discuss all these aspects in the Conference. Deliberations in the Conference will cover:
Plastics Recycling Technologies
Plastics Recycling Machineries
Plastics Waste as a Valuable Material Resource
Plastics Waste Management : Best Practices in Indian Context
International Best Practices
Materials for Plastics Recycling
EPR with respect to Plastics Waste Management
Role of Informal Sector in Plastics Waste Management in India
Energy Recovery from Plastics Waste
Regulations Across the Country
Who should attend?
Plastics Recyclers
Waste Management Companies
Policy Makers & Regulators
Municipalities / Panchayats
Environment Department
Government Officials involved in MSW and related Waste Materials
Technology Suppliers: Machines and Materials
Entrepreneurs for reaping the Benefits of latent Value in Plastics Waste
Brand Owners and bulk users of plastics packaging materials
NGO's working in the area of Plastics Waste Management
Plastics Industry
Raw Material Producers
R esearchers
About the Organisation
Indian Centre for Plastics in the Environment (ICPE) is a voluntary organization set up on the recommendation of a Task Force constituted by the Ministry of Environment & Forests, Govt. of India in January 1999. Besides other activities, ICPE helps formulate strategy and action program for management of plastics waste and related matters of plastics in the environment.