About Conference

Plastic Recycling & Waste Management - Opportunities & Challenges
While the focus of the conference would be on developments in plastic recycling materials and processing technologies, it would also cover related fields. Broadly it would include:
Recycling machinery technology
Recycling material technology
Plastic waste management practices
Case studies on plastics recycling
Recycled products’ markets & opportunities
Circular Economy Concept & Framework
Extended Producers’ Responsibility (EPR)
Regulatory Scenario
Roles & Responsibilities of stakeholders
The conference will have participation from multi-disciplinary fields. These would include representatives from industry, brand owners, academia, research organizations, waste management companies, NGOs working in plastic waste management, civic officials, regulators and government officials.
The conference would be organized by the Indian Centre for Plastics in the Environment (ICPE). It is a voluntary organization established in 1999 based on the recommendation of a task-force constituted by Ministry of Environment and Forest, Government of India. Besides other activities, ICPE focuses on the issue of plastic waste management working with regulators, academia, NGOs and the industry. The center played a pioneering role in development of technologies with other stake-holders for management of plastic waste.